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  • smiling face or an understanding professor when things don’t seem as bright. As a college student, it is easy to get caught up in a repetitive schedule but PLU has a way of encouraging students through campus events. Otto KierulfBusiness, 2016 I wanted to study somewhere on the West coast, and the organization I applied through spoke very highly of PLU. After some more thorough research of PLU and Seattle, I found it more favorable than the other schools that were offered and decided to apply. It was

  • scholarships. Honors MajorIn addition to the above requirements for the major: PHIL 493: Honors Research Project, including an honors thesis written under the supervision of one or more faculty members and presented to the department. Completion of the departmental reading program of primary sources. Honors majors in philosophy are expected to complement their regular courses by reading and discussing three or four important works under the personal supervision of department faculty. The reading list

  • not enough focus is on their arguments. She suggests that a good start to reform the tournament in the future would be to allow debaters to fill out critiques of their judges to ensure some level of accountability. “I am extremely proud of the sort of research she is producing,” adviser Justin Eckstein said. “It will certainly inspire many conversations about the relationship between debate and gender.” Vegetarianism wins vote at Ruth Anderson Public DebateBy Toriana VigilTensions were high during

  • . Implications are that PLU may wish to encourage students to live or seek employment on campus. However, future research could explore if employment off campus is related to if a student stays at PLU until the graduate. 11:00am – 12:00pm Lunch Break 12:00pm – A Logistic Regression Model To Predict Freshmen Enrollments From Admissions Data Trang Than Colleges and universities across the globe choose to admit students knowing that some will choose not to actually enroll at that particular institution and in

  • , research and other resources was challenging.    Epilepsy is the fourth most common neurological disorder, according to the Epilepsy Foundation. The chronic disorder, which is characterized by unpredictable and unprovoked seizures, doesn’t frequently lead to death. Still, it can cause other health problems — and public perception and treatment of people with epilepsy often create bigger problems than the actual seizures. "I am from a strong link of three. From a chain that continues to grow

  • initiatives to support and empower low-income, first-generation, undocumented, immigrant, refugee, LGBTQIA and veteran students. For Zeno, the sector may be higher education development, but the mission is equitably and justly transforming systems with care to meet the needs of everyone involved. You have a long track record of building large-scale coalitions, initiatives and public-private partnerships at public research universities. What did you find intriguing about a small Lutheran university in

  • Mines, will soon be heading to France as a Fulbright U.S. Scholar to pursue research at the Institut Physique du Globe de Paris. He’ll be investigating nanoparticles in French streams and rivers, distinguishing engineered ones from naturally occurring ones using “single particle inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry” or spICP-MS. Way to go, Logan! A stint as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Togo inspired Sarah Slinker (Class of 2013; Majors: French and Global Studies; Minors: Anthropology and

  • Special Edition: “… and justice for all?” ‹ Resolute Online: Spring 2015 Home Features Germany J-Term Women’s Center at 25 Jehane Noujaim It’s On Us Attaway Lutes Editor’s Note On Campus Discovery Research Accolades Lute Library Blogs Alumni News Alumni Profiles Homecoming 2015 Twin Cities ‘Waste Not’ Seattle Connections Easter Egg Hunt Night at the Rainiers Alumni Events Class Notes Family and Friends Submit a Class Note Calendar Home Features Germany J-Term Women’s Center at 25 Jehane Noujaim

  • take at PLU before your program? Do you want to participate in an internship or service learning abroad? Do you want to participate in field research while away? Do you want to engage in study tours in your program? What career-related goals do you have for study away? (i.e. internships; service learning; knowledge, skills, attitude acquisition, etc.) Consider your learning styles/preferences. Are you independent in your study habits? Do you need deadlines in order to stick to a study schedule

  • department chair. (4) ENGL 217 : Topics in Literature - IT, GE A variable-content course that focuses on literature that fosters an awareness and understanding of diversity in the United States. Courses may be repeated for credit with approval of department chair. (4) ENGL 221 : Research and Writing Strategies for writing academic research papers are practiced, including developing appropriate research topics, locating and using a variety of relevant sources, substantiating generalizations, and using