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  • Classroom Technology Updates – Fall 2016 by Layne Nordgren Reike Science Center – Leraas Lecture Hall Over the summer I&TS User Services teams upgraded several classrooms to include smart podium technology, added new computers to some classrooms, upgraded computers in some classrooms to Windows 10 and Microsoft Office 2016, and upgraded… August 23, 2016 audience response systemsclassroomsclickersOffice 2016Turning TechnologiesTurningPoint

  • Fraudulent Email and Phishing Redux by David Domask Example of phishing email (click to enlarge) Ye

  • Sunset for ½” VHS Videotape Players by Layne Nordgren and Travis Pagel For over 25 years Video Home System (better known as ½” VHS ) players provided access to analog video recordings in classrooms. But as technology continued to improve, this format was gradually supplanted by DVD players. What this means… May 11, 2015 classroomsDVDmedia podiumsVCRVHSvideovideotapes

  • Fraudulent Email and Phishing Redux by David Domask Example of phishing email (click to enlarge) Ye

  • Tips for Streamlining Assignment Workflows by Layne Nordgren After the first few assignments of the semester, you may begin wondering what you can do to streamline your workflow in collecting, grading, and distributing feedback for assignments. Though there are a number of ways to collect Assignments, such as by email… November 1, 2015 assignmentsfeedbackgradingsakai

  • Tips for Streamlining Assignment Workflows by Layne Nordgren After the first few assignments of the semester, you may begin wondering what you can do to streamline your workflow in collecting, grading, and distributing feedback for assignments. Though there are a number of ways to collect Assignments, such as by email… November 1, 2015 assignmentsfeedbackgradingsakai

  • 2016 NWACC Award for Innovation in Instructional Technologies Each year the Northwest Academic Computing Consortium (NWACC), a group of 33 northwest colleges and universities, sponsors an Award for Innovation in Instructional Technologies. The award recognizes faculty members and instructional technologists at member institutions for work demonstrating effective design, development, integration, and/or support of… December 15, 2016 awardNWACC

  • Fraudulent Email and Phishing Redux by David Domask Example of phishing email (click to enlarge) Ye

  • Stop Motion for Sustainability – Behind the Scenes by Katie Martell Recently I collaborated on a p

  • Transition to Turnitin Feedback Studio By Layne Nordgren Turnitin provides originality- and plagiarism-checking for student papers and includes a set of online tools for faculty to provide in-context feedback for students. For PLU courses, Turnitin can be enabled as an option when creating a Sakai Assignment . On June 3,… May 10, 2017 Feedback StudioQuickMarksSimilarity ReportsTurnitin