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  • History Learning OutcomesAll history majors must develop a breadth of historical knowledge that represents awareness of the diversity of world civilizations. This is now assessed through the requirement that students take at least one class in each of three geographic areas (non-west, European, and U.S.). Our new requirements are thematically structured and the revised outcome will address the importance of having students learn to compare and connect historical inquiries that reflect a range

  • International Honors Program Learning OutcomesWhat follows are two different ways of expressing the same International Honors Program Learning Outcomes: the first version is aimed at students beginning their studies; the second version is expressed in terms professors tend to use. International Honors Program Learning Outcomes:  From the Student’s Perspective Learn how different disciplines approach the same problems, and then put their methods together to get new, bigger perspective on those

  • A helpful way to explore the Innovation Studies minor and appreciate its strengths is to evaluate our learning outcomes. Upon completion of the Innovation Studies minor, students should be able to: Analyze: Identify and evaluate prominent examples of innovation in historic and contemporary contexts; Design: Summarize the essential stages of the design thinking process (empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test); Make ethical decisions: Construct an ethical framework to evaluate and

  • Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology Learning OutcomesA graduate of the Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology program will: Explain foundational disciplinary content such as: terminology, theories, principles, applications and practices expected of entry level professionals in the field. Identify and critically evaluate primary research and scholarly sources and demonstrate applications to real-world situations. Recognize multiple perspectives and demonstrate inclusive practices related to the field of

  • 4. Learning and research within communityLutheran education is indelibly marked by a love of liberal and collegial learning. It was, in fact, a group of Wittenberg scholars – working together – who launched the reform of education, ethics, language study, marriage, music, social welfare, and theology – to mention only a few. Such reform began with the serious questioning of the status quo, a questioning which led the authorities of church and state to brand Luther as a heretic and a criminal

  • Program Learning OutcomesLearning Outcomes for BS and BA in Mathematics (BSM, BA) (Developed with reference to the MAA’s 2015 Curriculum Guide to Majors in the Mathematical Sciences.) Communication: Be able to read, interpret, write about, and talk about mathematics. Computation: Develop computational, algorithmic, and technological problem-solving fluency. Disciplinary Citizenship: Develop collaborative skills, independence, perseverance, and experience with open-ended inquiry. A. Abstraction

  • 1. Demonstrate Competence in Integrating the Disciplinary Foundations of Business a. Student can app

  • MFA Learning OutcomesDemonstrate critical reading and writing skills that show proficiency in analyzing the thematic and formal elements that constitute a literary text. This includes a sophisticated understanding of how a text is made, along with an understanding of the content that animates strong pieces of creative writing. Demonstrate knowledge of the genre conventions and craft elements for the student’s genre of focus, whether creative nonfiction, fiction, or poetry. This will include a

  • Marriage and Family Therapy Program GoalsPLU MFT Students and graduates will be: Systemically-oriented MFT Professionals Contextually sensitive MFT Professionals committed to diversity and inclusion Ethical and effective MFT Professionals in the community mental health context Professionals who identify as Marriage and Family Therapists Student Learning Outcomes associated with Program Goals (with measurable outcomes and targets/benchmarks) 1. Students and graduates will understand and practice

  • 1. Understand Various Theories and Methodologies Related to Marketing Analytics a. Student can apply