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  • Nishi Hongwanji. He enjoys practicing Aikido and spending time with his family and wife Cyndi Yasaki. Cyndi was the minister’s assistant at the Gardena Buddhist Church in California and received her Tokudo in the Summer of 2019.Dr. Samuel TorvendWho: Dr. Samuel Torvend, Professor of the History of Christianity, PLU Bio: Dr. Samuel Torvend teaches courses in the history of early, medieval and reformation Christianity as well as historical courses on the reform of social welfare, Christian responses

  • ) MUSI 225: Ear Training III (1) MUSI 226: Ear Training IV (1) (not for B.A.) MUSI 235: Music Theory & Analysis III (3) MUSI 236: Music Theory & Analysis IV (4)* MUSI 251: Keyboard Musicianship III (1) (not for B.A.) MUSI 301: Music in Historical Context I (4)* MUSI 302: Music in Historical Context II (4)* *Students pursuing the B.A. degree choose two courses among MUSI 236, 301, and 302. Required Music Core Sequence All entering first-year students who intend to major in music must follow the

  • Business. The course introduces students to historical and emergent perspectives on business and social justice. Students will learn to see their role as future business leaders and , in particular, explore historical and present case examples of inequity in business. Students will also explore the issues of diversity and justice through interaction and engagement with community and business leaders and seek to address inequity and inequality in business. A certificate will be awarded upon the

  • Bussie is an award-winning author, professor, theologian, and student of life in all its messy beauty, as well as a much sought after speaker and workshop facilitator. Her first book, The Laughter of the Oppressed won the national Trinity Prize. Her 2nd book, Outlaw Christian: Finding Authentic Faith by Breaking the Rules won the 2017 Gold Medal Illumination Award for Christian Living and received a coveted starred review from Publishers Weekly. Her 3rd and latest book, Love Without Limits: Jesus

  • lives you’re able to compartmentalize how you fit into all [video: Dr. Luther’s voice comes in over more clips. A couple speaks to an advisor. A historical building in downtown Tacoma. A shot of a Courthouse in Tacoma.] Dr. Luther: part of this new criminal justice program will be a required internship so that not only are we educating our students but instead our students are getting educated by community agencies [video: Return to Dr. Luther in her office.] Dr. Luther: and that they’re able to

  • study of history through the encouragement of research, good teaching, publication and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians. We seek to bring students and teachers together for intellectual and social exchanges, which promote and assist historical research and publication by our members in a variety of ways. Type of Club or Organization: Academic & Honors Societies Meeting Times & Places (Subject to Change): When: Monthly, day and time TBA Where: TBA Club Email: pat@plu.eduPLU

  • next level. These enemies can display varying behavior and will attack the player when they get close making it more difficult to get each puzzle piece required for progression. 3:50pm – Customized Bible Commentary Builder Nathan Kosylo (BSCS) This project implements a WordPress plugin and supporting website that allows pastors and scholars to collaboratively write custom Bible commentaries and store information in a MySQL database. These commentaries provide additional historical, translational

  • course meets state education certification requirements for content in physical and historical geology. (4) ESCI 287 : Special Topics in Earth Science To provide undergraduate students with new, one-time, and developing courses not yet available in the regular curriculum. The title will be listed on the student term-based record as ST: followed by the specific title designated by the academic unit. (1 to 4) ESCI 288 : Special Topics in Earth Science To provide undergraduate students with new, one

  • discussion will explore that question and others through historical, legal, and personal perspectives. Panelists: Norma Linda Ureña, family law attorney Robin Jacobson, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Puget Sound Angie Jimenez, ’14 Wendy Martinez, ’14 Convener: Maria Chávez, Associate Professor of Political Science, PLU (author of Living the Dream: New Immigration Policies and the Lives of Undocumented Latino Youth) The Regency Room (Anderson University Center) Lemkin Lecture: In

  • , historical research on Nazi Germany has focused on sites of terror- especially concentration camps and extermination camps. Despite a multitude of works exploring these places of terror, comparatively little work has been done exploring the role of medical scientists and nurses in perpetrating ethical violations of their mandate to “first, do no harm.” Perhaps even fewer works have attempted to explore the role of Jewish medical personnel and their attempts to fight against the Nazi regime in whatever