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  • me never to cede one centimeter of what I perceive as just and morally correct. This was the worst part of my experience because it forced me to begin to shed the innocent skin of my privileged upbringing and, I must admit, naïve and misguided perception of the world. However, realizing these difficult lessons was the catalyst to understanding how vital quality education is and how transformative it can (and should!) be. I credit Oaxaca with planting the seed for my pursuit of intellectual growth

  • Student Rights and Responsibilities. In any meeting involving PLU’s sexual misconduct and/or physical assault policies, the Complainant will receive information about the outcome of the meeting and any sanctions imposed on the Respondent that directly relates to the Complainant (examples include No Contact Orders, Housing changes, etc.). Such disclosures will be made consistent with the Family Education and Privacy Rights Act (FERPA).  Deliberation and Decision Making:The Review Officer(s) will

  • disciplines: Religion, Political Science, History, Languages & Literatures, Cultural Studies. Advanced Search JSTOR is at its most useful when using the advanced search option due to the variety of content available. Pay attention to the following options for narrowing down or broadening your search: Images: Above the search bar you will see a tab for Images. This is a great place to search for high quality images of primary sources. Access Type: Below the search boxes, you will see an option for “Select

  • people about it, they are often surprised. Maybe it isn’t so surprising given what we learned at PLU — the values of a liberal arts education: going to small classes, and knowing our professors. We also learned a lot playing basketball on a team that traveled long hours on buses, playing in a cracker box gym, receiving five dollars for meal money each day, warming up before games to gospel music played on an old pipe organ. These experiences teach you something no class really can: teamwork

  • have before. As for herself, Cory says the trip left her with a sense of gratitude—for water, of course, but also for the education, sense of mission and opportunities she receives at PLU. Just turning on the tap and seeing drinkable water come out is a gift. She also has a renewed determination to make a difference in the world once she graduates. “I will never say I’m a poor college student again,” she laughs. Sure, the water crisis can seem overwhelming, and so can challenging and changing

  • a crusade against her reputation. Carson’s solace is found in Alice in Wonderland, her girlhood literary hero, alter-ego and imaginative guide her subconscious clings to.  Carson’s story converges with a fantastical landscape enlivened by literary, film and cultural references that theatricalize the revolutionary science of Silent Spring. Macbeth May 9, 10, 16, 17 at 7:30 p.m. and May 18th at 2 p.m. Lori Lee Wallace, Director Considered one of Shakespeare’s darkest and most powerful tragedies

  • revolutionary science of Silent Spring. Macbeth May 9, 10, 16, 17 at 7:30 p.m. and May 18th at 2 p.m. Lori Lee Wallace, Director Considered one of Shakespeare’s darkest and most powerful tragedies. The play dramatizes the corrosive psychological and political effects produced when the Scottish lord Macbeth, chooses evil as the way to power. He commits regicide to become king and furthers his moral descent with a reign of murderous terror. In the end, he loses everything that gives meaning and purpose to his

  • Staff Extended professional development leaves are an integral part of the university’s commitment to lifelong learning. A significant block of time away from usual professional responsibilities encourages and nurtures employee improvement through professional development, education, research, service, or related pursuits. The effective utilization of such a leave is the professional accountability of every exempt staff member who is approved for one. The opportunity for extended leave is a granted

  • Dear Reader, On this blog I will slowly tell stories about my life, each being represented by a song