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Cassio Vianna has been a teacher since he was 8 years old. At that time, his mother was learning to play the organ and Vianna decided to go with her to her lessons rather than stay at home with his siblings. “To this day, my…
, who inspired Vianna to become a composer. He then recorded and performed throughout the Brazilian jazz scene and taught at music academies before continuing his education in the United States. He came to PLU in 2018 and has since been recognized for his ability to compose and arrange music for both collegiate and professional bands. Brian Galante, chair of PLU’s music department, says Vianna is a “model example” of how to bring creativity and innovation to both teaching and musical programming
About two years ago, PLU professor Neva Laurie-Berry partnered with a world-class plant research center. The Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis, Mo., sends Laurie-Berry’s BIOL 358 Plant Physiology class millet seeds with random mutations. Student teams study plants in PLU’s warm, sunny…
300 scientists from more than 20 countries work in teams, studying plant biology in ways that lead to economically and environmentally sustainable agriculture. Laurie-Berry started teaching at PLU in the fall of 2008. In addition to Plant Physiology, Laurie-Berry’s other classes include Plant Development and Genetic Engineering and a first-year writing class focused on global agriculture, world hunger, genetic engineering and related topics. “Our central question for the course is how agriculture
Global studies major Cora Beeson ’24 spent four months in Indonesia last spring for a study abroad semester. Little did she know the research she conducted there would lead to a presentation at the esteemed 2024 Human Development Conference at the University of Notre Dame’s…
visit a temple in Bali located in the ocean.× Read Previous PLU will launch into Earth and Diversity Week with the Schnackenberg Memorial Lecture and the Steen Family Symposium Read Next Universal language: how teaching music in rural Namibia was a life-changing experience for Jessa Delos Reyes ’24 COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or are currently browsing in a "private" window. LATEST POSTS Bridging Borders: PLU
2020 has been no stranger to change. Change in communities, ways of life, understanding, normality, mindset: change seems to be the common theme of 2020. With the significant changes that PLU has had to make during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, Dr. Jason Schroder, Director of…
of art originating in Norway that consists of painting specific flower motifs on wood or objects. In October 2019, there were multiple classes by Marilyn Hansen, a skilled rosemaler with 35 years of experience teaching the traditional Norwegian art form that consists of painting flower motifs on wood or objects. In 2020, these classes had to be paused. Dr. Jason Schroder Sankta Lucia in 2014 An important event for the SCC every year is the Sankta Lucia. The holiday celebrates the Sicilian saint
Teranejah Lucas, 28, is in her senior year and majoring in social work. She’s preparing to do great things—after already accomplishing significant wins—and wrapping up a fascinating capstone. “As a single parent, first-generation college student, I’m out here defying the odds,” she says. Lucas lives…
versatility of her hair, whether wearing naturally curly, in poofy ponytails or woven into braids or cornrows. As a mom, Lucas encourages her adventurous daughter to embrace her natural hair texture and hairstyles. Lucas’s capstone also delves into problems in social work, citing research that indicates most white social workers and transracial foster and adoptive parents were ignorant about Black hair care needs. She notes some advances—for example, some salons are teaching adoptive and foster parents
By Michael Halvorson, ’85 This week is Computer Science Education Week (Dec. 3-Dec. 9) in the United States. I helped celebrate on Monday at the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science at the University of Washington in Seattle. The event was sponsored by…
phenomenon with an important social impact. Social innovation At PLU, we’ve been studying social innovation all year in our new Innovation Studies program. As part of our work, we invited Alice Steinglass to share her organization’s strategy during this year’s Benson Lecture in Business and Economic History. Steinglass participated in a workshop on teaching computer science in local schools (with Heavenly Cole and Laurie Murphy), and she delivered an exciting evening talk for about 180-students, faculty
by Layne Nordgren After the first few assignments of the semester, you may begin wondering what you can do to streamline your workflow in collecting, grading, and distributing feedback for assignments. Though there are a number of ways to collect Assignments, such as by email…
. More information about grading assignments and providing feedback can be found in the following video and help document: Video: PLU Sakai: Grading a Sakai Assignment Sakai Help: How do I grade an assignment? If you need help with the Sakai Assignments tool or any of these tips, don’t hesitate to contact to set up a consultation. Read Previous Quick Tips for Improving Your Sakai Site for Students Read Next Using Google Maps in the Classroom: Teaching an old software new tricks LATEST
Change was in the air when Assistant Professor of Theatre, Dr. Lori Lee Wallace, came to PLU in fall 2012. This was the same year President Krise arrived as the 13th president of PLU, the Theatre program was taking on two new tenure-line positions, and…
dissertation, though she had no idea at the time. “Some teachers do not impact your life until years later when you realize that you have been teaching elements of his or her work without even realizing it,” Wallace says. For her PhD, she attended the University of Colorado. The Colorado Shakespeare Festival had also offered her a job as a dramaturg and she was given the opportunity to teach during her four years there. At University of Colorado, it was the norm for PhD students to rotate the classes they
Tegels rides his bicycle every day, his common form of transportation, to and from his home close by. By Kari Plog ’11 Tegels, university organist and music professor, humbly underscores his efforts of sustainable living, saying he doesn’t have to go out of his way…
the Netherlands. He said an organist has to go where the organ is, and PLU’s organ fit the bill. While teaching in Kansas, he heard about an opening at PLU, and was already familiar with its organ. In 2002 he came to PLU, where he now instructs students and performs on the famous Gottfried and Mary Fuchs Organ, the largest one west of the Mississippi River. Taking care of the Earth is something that Tegels prioritizes, and feels it is something that many people lack the motivation to do. “We don’t
1973, a 17-year-old Gregory Youtz departed from Sea-Tac International Airport and landed in France. Meritoriously skipping the third grade, the young composer had afforded himself the luxury of a year in limbo – graduating high school a year early and giving himself time to explore…
terribly important they consider themselves a part of a community and that they serve that community. I think art should serve a purpose and that should be a purpose that people can understand.” Youtz, who fittingly teaches a class called On Creativity, involves himself, additionally, in a wide variety of community engagements, including but not limited, to assistant teaching at the Tacoma Youth Symphony, and membership on a board for the building of a Chinese park on the Tacoma water front. “I’m all
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