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The 2016 Jazz Under the Stars series will begin on Thursday, July 7 in the outdoor amphitheater of the Mary Baker Russell Music Center on the PLU campus. This annual summer concert series is FREE to the public, PLU’s gift to our community. The series…
Festival. She has a thriving private teaching practice and is releasing an instructional e-book in 2015 and new CD is coming in 2016.Learn More Read Previous Students featured in University Symphony Orchestra season closer Read Next PLU hosts Tamana Girls’ High School Band in friendship concert LATEST POSTS Campus to Carnegie: Pacific Lutheran University Faculty Perform in NYC February 24, 2025 Vocal Performance Major Caitlyn Babcock ’25 Awarded by the Presser Foundation February 11, 2025 Cassio Vianna
Margaret Murdoch ’24, a biology and religious studies major with a minor in gender and sexuality studies, spent their summer in Seattle alongside some of the nation’s best scientists. Experimenting, analyzing, and observing at Fred Hutch Cancer Center , they were able to assist in…
you take care of yourself! I found it difficult to pull myself away from my work from time to time since I enjoyed it so much, but taking the time to care for myself outside of work better ensured my ability to perform well in the long run. Read Previous Lydia Flaspohler ’25 and Ryan Fisher ’24 dive into the secrets of marine microorganisms Read Next PLU researchers shine light on RNA activities LATEST POSTS PLU professors Ann Auman and Bridget Yaden share teaching and learning experiences in
Science Happens (and Much More) When Monika Maier ’09 was preparing for a month of fieldwork in the remote South Hills region of Idaho a year ago, she made sure to study-up on more than just crossbills, the birds they would be researching. She also…
the microbial communities that live in the tree canopies of local Pacific Northwest forests. Soils collect in the small nooks high above the ground, and she’s conducting genetic analysis of the microbes that live in those soils. She, too, works closely with student researchers on the project – she finds essential the work they do as part of a team. At the same time, she also knows that her work entails more than simply conducting research or teaching classes. “In the lab, as I see it, I have two
Senior capstone: ‘the toughest class they will ever take’ If Tosh Kakar has his way, James Crosetto, Jeremy Ellison and Seth Schwiethale will have spent most of their senior year trapped in a project room just off Morken 212.It is a state-of-the-art room adjacent to…
, associate professor of computer science and computer engineering and the professor who oversees all the capstone projects in the CSCE department, sees it the same way. “The stuff we are teaching in class are the building blocks for what they will do in their capstone, and what they do after they leave PLU,” he said. Crosetto, Ellison and Schwiethale are up against a tight deadline: the Natural Science Division’s Academic Festival set for May 1 and 2, 2009, in the Morken Center for Learning and
New Holocaust Studies Chair announced at Pacific Lutheran University By Steve Hansen When the third annual Powell and Heller Holocaust Conference wrapped up its last session on March 20, organizers viewed the three-day event as nothing short of a success, especially with the announcement of…
educational tradition of working for issues of justice and tolerance. According to Professor Emeritus of History Philip Nordquist’s ’56 second book documenting the history of PLU “Inquiry, Service, Leadership and Care: Pacific Lutheran University 1988-2008,” faculty members were already studying and teaching about the Holocaust as soon as the 1950s. But when Christopher Browning began his tenure as professor in PLU’s history department in 1974, he brought with him a renewed interest in the subject
UPDATE (10.15.15): Please join the PLU community in dedicating the Carol Sheffels Quigg Greenhouse . A reception and opportunity to explore the greenhouse will follow the dedication ceremony. We hope to see you there! Date: Monday, October 19, 2015 Time: 10:30 a.m. Location: Between Rieke…
Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) program, so PLU hopes to have elementary-, middle- and high-school students use the greenhouse in the future to learn about the importance of plants. The idea for building a new greenhouse began in the late 2000s, when the Department of Biology hired two new faculty members who were specifically interested in botany, and then-Biology Chair Smith realized they would not be properly equipped for their teaching and scholarship. Currently, PLU’s facilities include a 325
TACOMA, WASH. (March 17, 2016)- Joshua Cushman ’08 stood in front of a crowd at the Wang Center Symposium last month and recalled his childhood in which nobody asked him about his future. The Tacoma native was the product of a broken home, plagued by…
about a fatal shooting of one student’s best friend, turning it into a lesson on justice in the community. “I try not to shy away from the grittiness of the world,” Cushman said. “Students need to know the harsh and uncertain realities that await them. They have to be prepared academically, socially and emotionally…to overcome obstacles.” Cushman’s own history with overcoming adversity undoubtedly lends to his perspective on teaching, nurturing and uplifting young people in the community. He says
TACOMA, WASH. (June 24, 2016)- As Hannah Park poses for a few quick photos outside the main office of Franklin Pierce High School, it seems she is well-liked by everyone in the close-knit community. “Hey Hannah, should you be in class?” a staff member playfully…
close to home while earning an education degree. Hannah Park (photo by Zach Powers/PLU) “Teaching is the way I’d like to give back to my community,” Park says. “Having teachers who were there for me, and talked to me about problems in and outside of the classroom is something I’ve really appreciated and something I hope to do for students in the future.” Both self-assured and gently soft-spoken, Park has a clear vision for her four years at PLU. “I would like to teach high school English, literature
The French-American Foundation has announced that PLU Professor of French Rebecca Wilkin is one of the winners of the 2024 Translation Prize. Wilkin and her co-editor and translator Angela Hunter, an English professor at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, received the nonfiction prize…
PLU French professor Rebecca Wilkin wins the 2024 Translation Prize Posted by: Jeffrey Roberts / June 7, 2024 Image: PLU Professor of French Rebecca Wilkin teaching a course titled “French / Francophone Feminisms.” (Photo by Sy Bean/PLU) June 7, 2024 By Zach PowersPLU Marketing & Communications The French-American Foundation has announced that PLU Professor of French Rebecca Wilkin is one of the winners of the 2024 Translation Prize. Wilkin and her co-editor and translator Angela Hunter, an
Change was in the air when Assistant Professor of Theatre, Dr. Lori Lee Wallace, came to PLU in fall 2012. This was the same year President Krise arrived as the 13th president of PLU, the Theatre program was taking on two new tenure-line positions, and…
dissertation, though she had no idea at the time. “Some teachers do not impact your life until years later when you realize that you have been teaching elements of his or her work without even realizing it,” Wallace says. For her PhD, she attended the University of Colorado. The Colorado Shakespeare Festival had also offered her a job as a dramaturg and she was given the opportunity to teach during her four years there. At University of Colorado, it was the norm for PhD students to rotate the classes they
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