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This week we sat down with Dr. Rønning to talk about everything from Rick Steves to Rachmaninoff. Read on! How did you first get started playing the violin? What drew you to the instrument? My mother tells me that she noticed that I loved to…
in third grade, I was in two youth orchestras and a youth choir, meaning that I had rehearsal every night of the week—my poor mom! As a prominent local artist, you stay quite busy! Tell us what other groups you perform with and about your teaching career. I am blessed to have an amazingly diverse career. By day, I teach so many wonderful students at Pacific Lutheran University and I teach some private students as well. They go on to do absolutely everything! Some play in Symphony Tacoma, others
TACOMA, WASH. (March. 10, 2020) — Nicole Jordan ’15 is back on campus, this time using the degree she earned in social work to help educate and lead others in her new position as coordinator for PLU’s Center for Gender Equity. The center began as…
be a more utilized place, especially for people of color. Tell us about your current graduate studies. I will graduate with my master’s in public administration from The Evergreen State College in June. It has been quite the journey. I am excited for my capstone, for which my team will be writing self-empowerment curriculum in both Spanish and English. What do you see as the most challenging part of your job? Vicarious trauma is real; while supporting people through crisis is a passion and skill
by Layne Nordgren What’s Changing? June 3 UPDATE: PLU has now transitioned the Sakai integration to TurningPoint Cloud. Faculty or presenters using clickers should now be using TurningPoint Cloud v. 7.x. See Making the Transition to TurningPoint Cloud for details. May 9 UPDATE: PLU’s transition…
and classroom computers will be upgraded with TurningPoint Cloud software v. 7.x starting the week of June 6. If you currently use TurningPoint clickers and software, read on to learn what you need to know to prepare for this transition. There will be a few small differences within the software that we will help you become familiar with over the next several months. A list of what’s new in the software as well as Frequently Asked Questions are provided below. To make sure we keep you informed of
MediaLab’s Newest Film Breaks Down the Food Equation MediaLab member Olivia Ash, left, conducts an interview in London while Taylor Lunka operates the camera. (Photo courtesy of MediaLab) ‘Waste Not’ premieres in Tacoma on Nov. 8 By Natalie DeFord ‘16 MediaLab TACOMA, Wash. (Oct. 23,…
deal about agriculture, economics, cultural differences and related issues while making the film. PLU Communication Professor Robert Marshall Wells, MediaLab’s co-founder and faculty advisor, served as executive producer on Waste Not. Wells said the filmmakers’ primary goals are to provoke thought. “I’m hoping that someone who attends this film will come away informed, enlightened or perhaps even shocked,” Wells said. “Minor adjustments in behavior and perspective can go a long way toward solving
Erin Azama ’01, MAE ’06 is a special education teacher at Grant Center for the Expressive Arts, an arts-focused elementary school in Tacoma’s North End. She works with children from kindergarten to fifth-grade, so her work-from-home transition was not only a break from her routine…
students on my caseload. But I also have other kids I’m still checking in on. How did the transition go to remote teaching and learning? There’s a lot to figure out, but the nature of teaching is that we land on our feet. We’re used to doing what we can in the best interest of our kids while ensuring they’re safe and focusing on their mental health. We’re still trying to figure out how are we’re going deliver instruction and services. Access to technology or supplies is hard for some families, even
TACOMA, Wash. (Aug. 7, 2015)—Pacific Lutheran University is one of the best colleges in the West, according to The Princeton Review. Only 125 colleges in 15 Western states made the education-services company’s 2016 list of recommended institutions. In its profile of PLU, The Princeton Review…
emphasizes sustainability and social justice and provides various opportunities to learn about community, culture, their importance and our impact on them.” “PLU provides students with a quality education and a curriculum that seeks to educate students in thoughtful and diverse discussions while teaching them to be thoughtful of our environment and community, and this distinctive education sets itself apart from other colleges.” Students find their professors to be kind, understanding and very
2012 Northwest Horn Symposium PLU and SOAC will host the 2012 Northwest Horn Symposium from March 30-April 1. The weekend, filled with master classes, guided warm-up sessions, presentations, and performances, will draw horn players from across the region. Three performances are connected with the symposium,…
. The symposium is open to music and horn lovers of all levels of musicianship in the northwest region, which includes Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Western Canada and Washington. Many participants are college and high school students from the Northwest as well as horn aficionados and vocational horn players who love playing and teaching. Many come to participate in the chance to share knowledge, perform and hear great performances. “When I attended this symposium in 2003, as a student, the
UPDATE (6.24.15): Secretary of State Applauds PLU for being Fulbright Top Producer Read U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s congratulatory letter to PLU President Thomas W. Krise. TACOMA, WASH. (Feb. 12, 2015)—The Chronicle of Higher Education has highlighted Pacific Lutheran University as one of the…
PLU’s total number of Fulbrights since 1975 to 100. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, the Fulbright program was established in 1946 by the U.S. Congress to “enable the government of the United States to increase mutual understanding between people of the United States and the people of other countries.” PLU’s 2014-15 Fulbright students certainly are experiencing a variety of countries and cultures: • Walling is teaching English in Argentina and next plans to attend graduate school or law
Transfer students bring wealth of experience Jake Taylor’s college career began a bit differently – he started at another four-year college, Evergreen State College. He decided he wasn’t that wasn’t the best place for him, so he decided to take the long road, taking courses…
laughs at that, but notes that it’s been a great teaching experience – he’s teaching some of the fellow players Spanish, and he’s learning some Norwegian. Taylor plans to major in global studies and journalism, and take those skills back to Tumaco, Columbia, where he plans to do volunteer work in literacy camps. The area is very important to him. He was adopted at an early age, and lived in Gig Harbor, Washington, but Tumaco is where his birth parents are from. He relishes the opportunity to return
Shelby Hatton (Murdock) ’17 always knew she wanted to become a doctor, but now that she’s in osteopathic medical school she’s still deciding on what kind of doctor. The challenge, she says, is that she’s enjoying every aspect of her studies. That’s no surprise, because…
'17 and husband Cody Hatton '15 at Shelby's white coat ceremony last June.× Read Previous PLU Psychology professor awarded $2.5M to lead implementation of evidence-based trauma treatment Read Next An internship with the Portland Pickles solidifies Simon Luedtke’s plans for the future COMMENTS*Note: All comments are moderated If the comments don't appear for you, you might have ad blocker enabled or are currently browsing in a "private" window. LATEST POSTS Tech on the Slopes: PLU computer science
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