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TACOMA, WASH. (Aug. 7, 2018) — Before Kelly Hall ’16 and the rest of her Samish canoe family paddled their final strokes through the Hylebos Waterway, Hall did something no one in her tribe had done for many years. “I’m the first tribal member in…
communities have experienced lots of trauma,” she said. “This event brings a lot of healing.” Kelly Hall '16 dances with the Samish tribe during their protocol at the annual canoe journey, hosted by the Puyallup Tribe of Indians. (Photo by John Froschauer/PLU) In potlatch tradition, canoe journey hosts provide lodging, food and other accommodations for tribes that travel from as far north as Alaska. They also provide massive tent structures for protocol, the ceremonial sharing of songs, dances and stories
Since 2014 there’s been a remarkable 35 percent increase in public university students receiving mental health treatment, according to an original survey conducted by The Associated Press in December 2019. However, few universities can keep up with demand — even with licensed counselors on hand.…
coach provides open hours for athletes. “But it’s nice to have the opportunity for students to have the direct availability to talk to somebody, or have a cool ongoing relationship and see a therapist regularly,” Bingay says. Required to respect the state’s confidentiality rules, the app’s licensed mental health providers can offer regular counseling on common causes of college stress, including anxiety, depression, eating disorders, addictions, trauma and panic disorders, or respond to each
Historical context Growing up Troy Storfjell held a certain admiration for the scholars he saw in the documentaries he watched. Now the PLU associate professor is one of those scholars. He’ll appear on the History Channel’s “Clash of the Gods” Series. ( Storfjell’s episodes were…
important for the public,” Storfjell said. As a part of PLU’s faculty Storfjell appreciates that PLU is a place where different types of scholarships are appreciated. Making academics accessible has value, he added. “At PLU it is valued and rightly so because it’s another way of teaching,” Storfjell said about programming like “Clash of the Gods.” Teaching is really where Storfjell realized his passion for Scandinavian Studies, and the history of the Vikings in particular. “I didn’t study it as an
Twenty-one new scholarships will be created for PLU students from underrepresented backgrounds preparing to become STEM educators, thanks to a $1.2 million grant from the National Science Foundation. The grant, which provides funding over the next three years, will help extend existing collaborations between the…
recruit, prepare and retain STEM teachers in a more inclusive way.”The scholarships, dispersed to qualifying seniors and teacher candidates in the MAE program over the next five years, will ideally target students looking at careers who plan to work locally — creating a pipeline of successful, diverse educators that feeds back into the South Puget Sound school districts. “We hope that it will be able to remove some financial barriers for those students who are interested in teaching but may not think
Lindsey Clark ’24 came to PLU knowing it was where she wanted to be. But Clark—a double major in mathematics and gender, sexuality, and race studies (GSRS)—says PLU challenged and changed her and expanded her worldview in ways she never before considered on her way…
university, and that’s been really valuable.” Clark’s taken English and political science classes, and those have given her new perspectives. “The GSRS major really gets you in everywhere and gets you to do everything.” Clark is also Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship recipient. Known as the Culturally Sustaining STEM (CS-STEM) Teaching Program at PLU, the scholarship is awarded to students of different backgrounds in their senior and graduate years who want to teach STEM subjects. “There are six of us
From an early age, Tom Chontofalsky ‘03 always thought he’d be a wildlife biologist. He’d pore over issues of National Geographic and One World magazines his dad purchased, studying photos and text of exotic animals. Chontofalsky is now an environmental scientist with the City of…
Angelia Alexander and the late Tom Carlson, also a professor emeritus of biology. “Students learned cool things from people who knew what they were talking about,” recalls Chontofalsky. “You could trust what they were teaching wasn’t just what they learned out of a book but from experience.” Chontofalsky still craves learning new things through hands-on activities— on the side, he’s currently teaching himself about DC motors and electronics. It’s all part of the creative process of education. “When
Why a high-flying Wall Street investment banker chose to teach at PLU By Chris Albert There’s a little letter ‘m’ on Kevin Boeh’s American Airlines frequent flier card. Even though it’s hardly noticeable, it signifies a pretty unique club – more than one million miles…
class prepared,” he said. “It doesn’t mean you know every answer, that’s why I’m here.” When Boeh decided to make the transition to teaching college, there were two factors that came into play. He knew if he was going to remain in investment banking, he had to live in either San Francisco or New York. He and his wife – who were starting a family – weren’t prepared to do that. “New York is a great place to live if you are a single guy, but I was just at a different phase in my life,” Boeh said. “I
TACOMA, WASH. (June. 23, 2016)- Pacific Lutheran University’s Scandinavian Cultural Center (SCC) is one of two Tacoma-area museums selected for a service project by Registrars to the Rescue (R2R), an initiative of the Washington Museum Association. Curators with R2R will visit the SCC on June…
museums throughout the state by extending the experience of trained museum professionals to cultural centers, heritage organizations and local museums.Scandinavian Cultural CenterThe Scandinavian Cultural Center is dedicated to increasing and sharing knowledge of Scandinavian history and culture with the wider community of the Tacoma and South Puget Sound area.“Registrars to the Rescue volunteers will be supplying needed materials and teaching us how to create supportive and non-toxic storage
The Faculty Excellence Award in Mentoring recognizes the efforts of a faculty member who serves as a personal or professional guide to students or colleagues and makes a profound difference in the lives of others as a role model, confidant, critic or co-learner. Professor of…
, confidant, critic or co-learner. Professor of Psychology Wendy Shore received the Faculty Excellence Award in Mentoring. PLU sponsors Faculty Excellence Awards to recognize outstanding accomplishments of the faculty in five areas of faculty work: teaching, advising, mentoring, research, and service. Their peers have nominated and selected the recipients, signifying their high regard among those who know them well. Shore exemplifies her mentoring philosophy by forming profound connections with her
Cover art Be Nourished Mosaic by Patrick and Luisa Hansel Intersections, Number 54, Fall 2021 Intersections is a publication by and largely for the academic communities of the twenty-seven institutions that comprise the Network of ELCA Colleges and Universities (NECU). Each issue reflects on the…
Intersections: Called to Place Posted by: abryant / November 10, 2021 November 10, 2021 Cover art Be Nourished Mosaic by Patrick and Luisa Hansel Intersections, Number 54, Fall 2021Intersections is a publication by and largely for the academic communities of the twenty-seven institutions that comprise the Network of ELCA Colleges and Universities (NECU). Each issue reflects on the intersection of faith, learning, and teaching within Lutheran higher education. It is published by the NECU, and
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