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Spring 2025 Private Instruction Registration (link) view page
The Curriculum and Performance Evaluation committees are program specific and oversees all curriculum, instruction, and evaluation policies, procedures, revisions, and issues within their respective program in the School of Nursing. Opportunities for students to represent their program of study will be provided. In the prelicensure programs opportunities are available for student representation from the traditional BSN, the ABSN, and the ELMSN programs. Each program level leader will convene
All gifts are used to support the objectives of the Discovery Regional Science and Engineering Fair which are; promote inquiry-based science curriculum and instruction in K-12 classrooms in Clallam,
Contribute to the development of our future scientists, engineers, and mathematicians.All gifts are used to support the objectives of the Discovery Regional Science and Engineering Fair which are; promote inquiry-based science curriculum and instruction in K-12 classrooms in Clallam, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pierce, and Thurston Counties counties, mobilize community support for student learning and achievement in STEM, and encourage excellence in student research by
The language of instruction of all French/Francophone literature and film courses is English. No French is required if you enroll in the course at the 200 level.
French/Francophone Literature and FilmThe language of instruction of all French/Francophone literature and film courses is English. No French is required if you enroll in the course at the 200 level. French 301 is the prerequisite for registering at the 400 level. Students enrolling at the 400 level will complete some readings and assignments in French. All of these courses count for the Global Education and Interpreting Texts core General Education elements. French 203/403: Collect, Gather
TACOMA, WASH. (Sept. 15, 2017)- Pacific Lutheran University students are people of many interests. This semester, several courses illustrate how the university’s curriculum caters to those eclectic interests. Beyoncé and Black Feminist Theory “Who Beyoncé is for?” is not usually a question that you ask…
PLU students study Beyoncé, starships and Holocaust artifacts as part of eclectic fall curriculum Posted by: Kari Plog / September 15, 2017 Image: Students study Beyoncé and black feminism in one of many interesting courses offered this fall. (Photo by John Froschauer/PLU) September 15, 2017 By Genny Boots '18PLU Marketing & CommunicationsTACOMA, WASH. (Sept. 15, 2017)- Pacific Lutheran University students are people of many interests. This semester, several courses illustrate how the
The Curriculum and Performance Evaluation committees are program specific and oversee all curriculum, instruction, and evaluation policies, procedures, revisions, and issues within their respective program in the School of Nursing. Opportunities for students to represent their program of study will be provided. In the prelicensure programs opportunities are available for student representation from the traditional BSN, the ABSN, and the ELMSN programs. Each program level leader will convene
By Damian Alessandro, ’19 At Pacific Lutheran University, we’re pretty excited about innovation. Over the past few months, my colleague Sarah Cornell-Maier and I have been writing about several types of innovation that we see in the workplace and in our curriculum. This week, I…
Innovation and Resilience Posted by: halvormj / May 7, 2018 May 7, 2018 By Damian Alessandro, ’19 At Pacific Lutheran University, we’re pretty excited about innovation. Over the past few months, my colleague Sarah Cornell-Maier and I have been writing about several types of innovation that we see in the workplace and in our curriculum. This week, I took a deep dive on disruptive innovation with some faculty in the PLU School of Business, who are also mentors in our Innovation Studies program
We're eager to work directly with faculty to help integrate technology into classes. Have a class assignment to create a digital portfolio, develop a presentation, or create a video? We develop
Course-Integrated InstructionCourse-Integrated WorkshopsWe’re eager to work directly with faculty to help integrate technology into classes. Have a class assignment to create a digital portfolio, develop a presentation, or create a video? We develop custom technology workshops targeted specifically at helping to meet your pedagogical goals.Group WorkshopsStudents, faculty, and staff may request group technology workshops on particular topics for groups of 5 or more. If you have a particular
EPC Curriculum Change Template (doc) download
The PLUTO Essentials online lessons and learning outcomes include: Welcome: Participants will be able to effectively engage in the PLUTO Essentials training program.
Sakai audio tools. Exploring Different Modalities: Participants will evaluate the role of Sakai for delivering flipped, blended, and online instruction. Wrap-up & Evaluation: Participants will identify personal strategies for applying PLUTO Essentials training and identify where to get assistance. Open the PLUTO Essentials Request Form
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