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  • 4. Learning and research within communityLutheran education is indelibly marked by a love of liberal and collegial learning. It was, in fact, a group of Wittenberg scholars – working together – who launched the reform of education, ethics, language study, marriage, music, social welfare, and theology – to mention only a few. Such reform began with the serious questioning of the status quo, a questioning which led the authorities of church and state to brand Luther as a heretic and a criminal

  • 1. Demonstrate Competence in Integrating the Disciplinary Foundations of Business a. Student can app

  • MFA Learning OutcomesDemonstrate critical reading and writing skills that show proficiency in analyzing the thematic and formal elements that constitute a literary text. This includes a sophisticated understanding of how a text is made, along with an understanding of the content that animates strong pieces of creative writing. Demonstrate knowledge of the genre conventions and craft elements for the student’s genre of focus, whether creative nonfiction, fiction, or poetry. This will include a

  • Marriage and Family Therapy Program GoalsPLU MFT Students and graduates will be: Systemically-oriented MFT Professionals Contextually sensitive MFT Professionals committed to diversity and inclusion Ethical and effective MFT Professionals in the community mental health context Professionals who identify as Marriage and Family Therapists Student Learning Outcomes associated with Program Goals (with measurable outcomes and targets/benchmarks) 1. Students and graduates will understand and practice

  • 1. Understand Various Theories and Methodologies Related to Marketing Analytics a. Student can apply

  • A graduate of the Master of Social Work program:1.Will demonstrate advanced professional and ethical

  • Theatre & Dance Learning Outcomes Theatre Apply disciplinary standards in professional portfolio materials Interpret theater texts (play scripts and live performances) and their aesthetic and social values through time, cultures and movements Analyze theatrical texts and their dramatic structure Dance Integrate physical and artistic self-awareness into kinesthetic expression Analyze dance works and forms with regards to historical and societal context, technical elements, and kinesthetic

  • February 2, 2009 Learning perspectives About a dozen students silently sit in a semicircle around a Makah woman, as she shows them how to make a cedar bracelet. Students mimic her as she holds several foot-long strands of cedar bark strung out from her mouth to her hands. And they listen eagerly as she tells them how to simultaneously twist and braid the bark, while her teeth stay clenched on one end. She reminds them to keep the cedar damp and the material fills the room with a musky, sweet

  • Learning Online at PLUIn a summer 2016 survey of online students, 88% of respondents reported satisfaction with the online format of their course. “I liked being able to work around my own schedule, with work etc. The flexibility was wonderful!”Online and blended learning at Pacific Lutheran University isn’t restricted to undergraduate, degree-seeking students.  Non-matriculated students/students at other colleges, graduate students, and working professionals can all find options to meet their

  • purpose in students’ lives and provides an indispensable framework for developing a sense of vocation: Who am I? What values should we hold? What really is the common good to which I might contribute? What kind of life should I live? In short, the active study of philosophy is essential “to empower students for lives of thoughtful inquiry, service, leadership and care–for other persons, for the community and for the earth.”Learning Outcomes Using philosophical methods, students will be able to:  1